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Old 03-16-2011, 07:19 AM
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Originally Posted by Blakesdad View Post
I thought that went into effect March 1... Oh well, my waders are rubber anyway. Lotta people bitching and moaning about having to buy new waders..

Come on, really ?? Its a 100 bucks and could really save our streams in the long run.
Well my neoprene chest waders had to be custom made in shoe size 16 at a substantial cost, so for me to invest in another pair is WAY out of the question.

Besides, only people like us are going to be affected by this ban anyway. The same algae can also hitch a ride in most other fabrics. So everytime someone walks or wades through streams. creeks and rivers they are potentially doing the same exact thing. Are we going to ban shoes next? Ban walking in or around the water?

The algae also grows on the shores at the tidal lines. So all of those guys you see standing on the bank at low tide aren't breaking the law, but they're at risk for causing the same damage.

Easier solution for law abiding fishermen? (Who are the ONLY ONES this ban will affect) A decent educational program through retailers where waders and boots are sold, through online fishing communities like this and to keep a spray bottle of cleaner handy for cleaning waders/boots when leaving a waterway.

Another poorly thought out law that will have zero effect on curbing the problem.
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