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Old 01-07-2011, 03:45 PM
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Originally Posted by SimpleBiology View Post
It is scientifically documented that large predator species of fish contain higher PCB's on the east coast from eating numerous small fish. Merucry, lead and several other elements are cumlative and can not be broken down by the body, therefore every microscopic piece of these elements taken in by their host never leaves the host.

Are far as trophies, No. People eat the big fish irregardless of the long term exposure potential.

Delayed mortal as a result of catch and release is believe to be between 1 and 5 % depending on water temp and handling procedures.

Simply put, use circle hooks for baitfishing, pinch down all barbs on all hooks, release the fish without taking them out of the water and always wet your hands if you have to handle them.

Education is always important and should always be given but many people simply won't listen.

Your view of DNR is too critical, yes ,they are government however many of the biologist at the low end do thier jobs because they love it. Stop by their work centers and speak to them, most biologist are very eager to share knowledge if the listener is receptive.
Thanks for the info, that's pretty much about what I thought.

Also, I don't criticize the biologists nor many others in DNR. I just don't have confidence in the group as an organization due to most of the upper management being appointments or blindly following a political agenda more so than an effective agenda. It's like that with most government agencies in my experience. I know there are plenty of good people working there who do there jobs because they love it.

Not a jab at the current state government; I know it's pervasive through all of the administrations.
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