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Old 12-17-2009, 02:51 PM
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B-Faithful B-Faithful is offline
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closer to home.. Look at what the use of fatally flawed science is doing to recreational fishing and the industries around recreational fishing here in the mid atlantic with the flounder seasons and sea bass closures. Here is what I posted on the other forum:


the problem with the way fisheries are being managed currently is that they are using MRFSS data ( fatally flawed: )and combined with Magnuson resulting in devistating closures (ie. northeast sea bass closures, red snapper, amberjack, etc)

Here is what the RFA states on their website: "Despite a congressional mandate to fix the “serious flaws in design" and “inadequate analysis methods" that renders MRFSS obsolete, the National Marine Fisheries Service continues using this fatally flawed program to deny the public access to coastal fisheries like red snapper, amberjack and black sea bass, crippling the recreational fishing industry."

The closures using MRFSS stands to put the industries around recreational angling out of business. Charters along our coast are dying due to the sea bass closure alone and the MRFSS data shows a near impossible amount of fish were harvested based on some poor MRFSS surveys. Tackle shops, marinas, and other recreational fishing supportive business are paying the same price. Combine that with a slow economy and the access elimination based on this poors science model that was never intended for fisheries management and recreational fishing all around is under fire as a result of this flawed science...

Note that MRFSS was used to determine that Maryland recreational anglers went from harvesting 36,166 fish in 2008 to 90,654 fish in 2009 during the trophy season without an increase in effort despite many here noting that this year was a fair year fishing-wise at best. We could potentially lose access to fishing for striped bass over the use of this "fatally flawed science".

Last edited by B-Faithful; 12-17-2009 at 05:00 PM.
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