Greg, Dave (spynet) and I spent the day trolling around in the Mid Bay this morning/afternoon. Bay was flat calm with light winds and an overcast sky...promising conditions. Within just a few minutes we ran across large pods of bait that turned out to be peanut bunker. We threw out the spread and quickly caught two in the low 30's. Off to a good start, one in the box and one overboard, holding spots for larger or any deep hooked fish.
We trolled through the bait for a while then lost current and the bite turned off. We trolled back and forth on and east/west pattern running through countless pods of bait then started picking away at them when the water started moving again. Seemed like we hooked up with a fish every 25-30 minutes. I'd say it was typical of the fall pattern that is developing. Ended up with 5 over 40 inches
Awesome day on the water. Thanks Greg and Dave...always enjoy your company. HMMMMMMMMM have to relearn posting pics all over again. We had that Judge pimped out with rods today