looking for part time mating job
I live in the Annapolis area and am looking for a part-time mating job on the weekends. I am an avid fisherman and have been out 40 times this year on my boat with an 85% success rate.I am well versed in all aspects of bay fishing. I have chartered at least 100 trips out of Chesapeake Beach Rod n Reel for clients and employees over the years so I know the routine pretty well.
I am currently employed as a Sales manager in Baltimore(14 years) and just looking to fish on the weekends for someone else. I eat , sleep and live to fish! If anyone has an oppurtunity for me I promise I will keep your customers happy along with closing them to book another trip.
With the economy the way it is fishing is expensive! Everybody that goes on my boat says that I should be a guide the way I cater to them and make sure they catch fish. I cannot charge someone knowing that I am not legally licensed and would be taking from the industry. Gas money that gets flipped my way every once in a while doesn't even come close to my $800-$1000 habit a month.