i've had very little fishing experience lately but am pretty sure it was small blues splashing topwater yesterday morning offshore from poplar. but no sign of them on plastic worked deep (which did find striped fish).
also - little fish jumping all over the place up in rivers. not sure if they're all little blues. but i did catch my personal smallest blue on rod and reel the other day. a 4 inch bluefish bit a puppet minnow i was using on the WP.
w/o really paying any more attention than it took to separate his little mouth from a treble hook (needs some clipping), i took him home and put him in our'chesapeake' fish tank. all the while thinking it was an alewife or something. then i looked closer at the extended, matching fins on back and belly and saw it was a bluefish. i think it's what the osprey are eating too but generally in the 6-8" category.
Last edited by Southerly; 07-07-2011 at 10:40 AM.