Completed enough of the fix it list to warent a shake down. Left SPSP around 8:00am tested the boat and noticed starboard trim tab not working.
then as I was on plane hit some floating tree root which made a horrible noise. Scared the *&%$*# out of me? Luckily no damage.
Decide to deploy the 6 rod slider rig and look for bubba
the bay condition wee 1/4" chop with stained water. Only put out one planner. One roof umb, 3 tandems and two more umb. Started at the can on western side saw a few marks shallow. Worked the are then moved over to matapeake, then down to 85, moved around to TPL, BPL. Then back up around anchorage. Very few marks deep or shallow
no pulls no fish just a great day n the water. Tide never moved. Had to wrestle the Carolina back on the trailer for her ride homedue to the supper low tide
big Skunk