I guess everyone knows the stories associated with "snipe hunting". I felt like I was on one today
Bruce Lewin gave me a livewell he made with a 30 gallon trash can, a small bilge pump, and some hose. The livewell works great, I just need to find something to put in it
Because the boats now in Bodkin Creek, I can't run too far south looking for spot. I tried at the bay bridge and Hacketts. I caught a grand total of four spot
Lou and I tried anchoring and drifting to no avail.
We caught some big perch, lots of med. size perch, and a couple of nice size croaker. The four spot we did catch were bigger than I would have liked, but a big rockfish will slurp them down.
I'll try the livewell out again
. Maybe I'll find the mother load next time!
5th (Marty)