Originally Posted by Chessie27
Dear Raggedy- it doesn't matter 'cause I am OUT!! I don't like anyone on this board enough to hang out for free (including Mrs Chessie27!!). If there is no pay day, how can I pay for the fuel to run to the Jersey shore to catch the winning fish??? JUST KIDDING!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU GUYS, we are in!! OXOXOX
And when we win, I plan on bragging REALLY Loudly!!
I'm still enjoying the memories of the free lunch at Rock Hall last year
. You don't have to leave the bay to catch big fish. Hint, there are fish above your beloved Tolchester Marina. I just loved the look on the charter captains faces last year when Tawn held up that 48" PIG. Lunch is always better when it is FREE
So yes this means I will be fishing this year, but not on my boat. I will be fishing for the 5th Tuition team. As long as I don't have to pass an x-ray test to fish I will be OK. Does Titanium affect sonar or radar