Free to a good home - One Luggable Loo Toilet Seat, four Luggable Loo Doodie Bags and a MOB throw line.
Pick-up in Huntingtown or Deale.
Text only - 240-299-8948
Luggable Loo Toilet Seat
Luggable Loo Doodie Bags.|549495180|
This works much better than you think. The bag (which is a heavy bag within a bag) goes in a 5-Gallon bucket, the toilet seat goes on the bucket. I also carried a jug of Kitty Litter and sprinkled some in the bag to absorb liquids. At the end of the day, the outer bag encloses the bucket liner and you pitch it in the trash, no mess, no stink.
The Man-Overboard throw line is pretty self explanatory - it's a 50' throw line in a bag. The end with a loop goes over your wrist and you underhand pitch the bag to the poor SOB that fell out of the boat - the line feeds out of the bag as it's thrown.