Originally Posted by bhl
I run 18 lines on my 36' with no tangles.
We can run 20 or 21 with a little extra effort.
Let me know if you want input.
Bruce- I would never turn down free advice. We ran 21 with Marty without much of a hiccup. I was thinking 8 off each board and 5 boat rods wouldn't be too tough with 150' planer lines. I used to run 15 off my 27' with 100'. If you prefer to email me-
jeffnewell@atlanticbb.net. Thanks in advance for any insight you can share.
FWIW- Bill Judge says after about 16 rods, you don't really catch any more fish... But it sure looks cool!!
. But why did he have to say that in front of my wife? It almost cost him some rod sales, almost....
Have a safe holiday season,